This site was constructed for a Birmingham, AL catering company owned by successful restauranteur George Sarris of The Fish Market & Dodiyòs. The focus of this project was to translate their print menu into a web site that would showcase menu items, engage visitors, and take advantage of SEO and search engine traffic. Features of the site include an image gallery, slideshow, contact form, Google analytics integration, location-based information, social sharing, and email signup widget. Work performed in conjunction with Reliable Ad Group.
I am an experienced integrator and designer of sites that are functional, visually pleasing, content rich, and findable. I practice credibility-based design—always balancing user experience, what search engines see, and business goals. I also have experience in all aspects of interactive marketing, content creation, search engine optimization, social media, newsletters and email management, RSS feeds, and audio and video editing for the web. Subscribe to my feed for project updates, actionable/interesting information on web design, social media, and how digital media affects us.
Web design, web development, domain management, information architecture, content creation, video, audio, interactive design, virtual tours, screensavers, logos, web site optimization, keyword research, SEO, online editor, CMS, traffic analytics, email newsletters, search engine marketing, social media, open source utilities (including WordPress and extensions, forums, mail lists, photo galleries, ecommerce).
There is a lot more going on behind the scenes, ie freelance. Please visit Rustixs Interactive to see more examples of my work for freelance clients.
Taken at one of the Coastal Living Idea House shoots. I was there to assist the still photographer and shoot the virtual tour.
Gayle Christopher is a freelance interactive media professional in Birmingham, AL. Her path to this vocation was unconventional and proves the value of transferable skills. She holds a doctorate in physiology from Auburn University and has taught university level courses in anatomy, physiology, human health and web design. In her early career Dr. Christopher was a research scientist but has since filled a number of roles in digital media with a focus on content and design: Online Editor, Managing Online Editor, Interactive Media Director, and Web Designer and Developer, to name a few. Her employers include the Samford University, Coastal Living magazine, and Oakstone Publishing. She describes herself as practicing “credibility-based design—always balancing user experience, what search engines see, and business goals.” To see her outstanding portfolio of professional, clean, and visually rich and engaging work, please visit and
This project for an employer involved taking an inline HTML email product that had been manually created prior to each send to a templated, auto-populated, email product.
I began with a new header, including in page navigation, and a sidebar ad space. Content was populated from a database automatically for the particular medical specialty/issue. (Key review abstracts followed the main body of the email shown here. )
While at Coastal Living, I was responsible for sending email newsletters every two weeks. One of them was edit centric and promoted the new web issue content. The other, like this one, was simpler, more graphic and promoted a specific package.
For most of my employers and some freelance clients, I have used various analytics software and email management systems to drive traffic, track site and email marketing performance, and maintain customer/subscriber relationships. Some of these I would highly recommend, others I would not. Currently, I am using Google Analytics, StatPress, Piwick, Weblog Expert, Pommo, and Vertex for various projects.
WordPress-based blog for B2B lead generation, email & social media marketing. Some elements of the site, and the companion catalog site ( were served by OpenX ad serving software. Managed freelancers, maintained web site/plugins, and occasionally wrote a post.
Google Analytics, OpenX, Social Media via Twitter and Facebook
Selected posts I wrote and/or edited:
Perk Up Your Workplace
Wellness Works
Promote Physical Activity for Every Body
Navigating the Holiday Party Season
Not Another Manic Monday
Take Your Dog to Work?
Watch Out for These “Healthy” Vending Snacks
Giving Thanks in All Things
Smoking and Well-being
Breathing Easier
Make Every Day Count
Balancing Act: Work versus Life
Cholesterol Counts
Avoiding “Vacation Deficit Disorder”
Are Your Employees Angry?
Compensation: What Motivates Employees?
Drive Focused. Drive Smart.
Calories Count
Tracking Food and Fitness
Walking Routines
Communicating Health and Wellness
Wellness Programs Pay Off
Flu Preparedness for Businesses
Dollars and Sense
Top 10 for Shiftworkers
Taxing Our Way to Health?
Swine Flu Update
Workplace Flu Prevention
Wedded to Wellness
Positive Reinforcement
Marketing Your Wellness Program
Learning on a Budget
Money Troubles
Selling Workplace Health & Safety
Workplace Safety Communications Matter
Computer Ergonomics Checkup
Sweet Dreams: Getting Good Sleep
Walking for Wellness
Doing Nothing Can Be Deadly
Tracking Walking Program Progress
10 Tips for Workplace Weight Control
Daily Communication is Key
Workplace Wellness
Workplace Learning Opportunities
When Employees Quit Smoking, You Win
Money on Your Mind?
Building Positive Attitudes
Posters: Billboards for Success
Health Care Legislation Unveiled
Walking Journals Get Results
Starting a Walking Program
Walk This Way: Walking Programs at Work
Seize the Day: Wellness Messages at Work
Wellness Program Basics – Celebrate Success
Increasing Workplace Productivity in Times of Stress
H1N1 (Swine) Flu Facts
10 Ways to Hire and Keep the Best
High-Impact Safety Meetings
The Flexibility Factor
Workplace Nutrition and Obesity
Talking About Economic Realities
Establishing a Workplace Wellness Program
Boost Productivity With Color Therapy
Time for Teamwork
Communicate Effectively: Newsletters
The Power of Recognition
How to Talk to Employees About Wellness
Sleep and Heart Disease
Workplace Stress Solutions
Corporate Fitness
Stopping Flu in its Tracks
Top 10 Employee Stressors
Savvy Workplace Safety
Keyboard Ergonomics for Laptops
The Power of Prevention
A Wellness Check-In for Your Company’s Corporate Wellness Program
Weighing Financial Incentives in Workplace Wellness and Health Programs