
I am an experienced integrator and designer of sites that are functional, visually pleasing, content rich, and findable. I practice credibility-based design—always balancing user experience, what search engines see, and business goals. I also have experience in all aspects of interactive marketing, content creation, search engine optimization, social media, newsletters and email management, RSS feeds, and audio and video editing for the web. Subscribe to my feed for project updates, actionable/interesting information on web design, social media, and how digital media affects us.


Web design, web development, domain management, information architecture, content creation, video, audio, interactive design, virtual tours, screensavers, logos, web site optimization, keyword research, SEO, online editor, CMS, traffic analytics, email newsletters, search engine marketing, social media, open source utilities (including WordPress and extensions, forums, mail lists, photo galleries, ecommerce).

There is a lot more going on behind the scenes, ie freelance. Please visit Rustixs Interactive to see more examples of my work for freelance clients.

Taken at one of the Coastal Living Idea House shoots. I was there to assist the still photographer and shoot the virtual tour.

Gayle Christopher is a freelance interactive media professional in Birmingham, AL. Her path to this vocation was unconventional and proves the value of transferable skills. She holds a doctorate in physiology from Auburn University and has taught university level courses in anatomy, physiology, human health and web design. In her early career Dr. Christopher was a research scientist but has since filled a number of roles in digital media with a focus on content and design: Online Editor, Managing Online Editor, Interactive Media Director, and Web Designer and Developer, to name a few. Her employers include the Samford University, Coastal Living magazine, and Oakstone Publishing. She describes herself as practicing “credibility-based design—always balancing user experience, what search engines see, and business goals.” To see her outstanding portfolio of professional, clean, and visually rich and engaging work, please visit gaylechristopher.com and rustixsinteractive.com.